We had the most beautiful day for our first Lovefoodandmore Swim Experience at Seacliff Beach. The sun was out and the water was calm and welcoming. How lovely to be able to drive down to the car park at Seacliff, generously provided by Seacliff Estate – for a small fee.
We met in the car park and gathered our belongings for the short walk through the bushes to the marvellous expanse of beach. White sands and clear water welcomed us, as did the joyous noises of families playing on the beach and enjoying the water and treasuring the time spent together.
Seacliff has a commanding view, from the beach of the Bass Rock, but you have to be brave and venture in to the sea, or take a walk out onto the rocks to get the striking view of Tantallon Castle.
Tantallon dominates the skyline, sitting high on the cliffs, which were used as defences on three sides. This Castle was a stronghold of the Douglas Family and held firm through many attempts to occupy it, including two sieges by Scotlands Kings – James IV and James V. However, it was breached and significantly damaged by Cromwells forces in 1651 and never repaired or occupied again.
The manmade structure of Tantallon Castle is complimented and upstaged by the natural phenomenon of the Bass Rock, a Volcanic Plug sitting out in the Forth Estuary. Standing 107m high at it’s tallest point, it is home to the World’s largest gannet colony of over 150000 birds. Who create over 15200kg of ammonia, which can be seen as a white covering on the sheer cliffs.

We spent time chatting through the benefits of Cold Water Swimming, they are many and varied but all contribute to our Wellbeing – Read more here.
Maree outlined safe entry procedures and pointed out safety considerations for the venue, as well as outlining other concerns which should a swimmer should be cognisant of prior to each and every swim. The group was of mixed ability ranging from regular daily dippers to new starts, we were delighted to be joined by Iona – in her wetsuit – adding Open Water Swimming to her repertoire of RLSS skills.
Everyone took care entering and made sure they were acclimatised before swimming. The water was crystal clear, cold but inviting. It seemed to wash away the cares of the day, settling everyone into a welcoming calmness. Yet at the same time providing an uplifting experience which remained with each of us for the rest for the day.
Each person made their own decision about the length of time they stayed in and Isabella welcomed us out of the water with a smile and words of encouragement.
With lovely post swim Italian themed snacks, Isabella chatted through the value of “commensality” – eating together , sharing time and chat around a “table” Highlighting how the spirits are lifted and support given, through the combination of exercise in the Outdoor environment, followed by a relaxed and safe social gathering. We love this combination and the positive vibes created by the stage these two activities set for us.

“Open Water Swimming” comes in many guises – there is no right and wrong way to “Cold Water Swim or “Wild Swim” or just “Swim” – come and join us on one of our next Swim Experiences or join us on a Swim Explorations / Sunrise Swims / Solstice Swims or take some lessons to get yourself started and build your confidence. With Introductory Lessons / Re-Introducing Front Crawl / Front Crawl Development all on offer there are plenty to choose from.
If you don’t see anything that suits your availability just Email Maree at wildswimscot@gmail.com to ask about Private sessions or Bespoke Experience / Expeditions