Beautiful Colours Chatting about Benefits Rewarming at the Jelly Pan
What a fabulous day we had at Yellowcraigs beach on Saturday with a lovely group of people. We arrived through the Buckthorn to the contrasting colours of clouds, sky, sea and sand. We gathered in close to the grasses and spread our stuff out to create a base.
Maree welcomed everyone and outlined the aims and ideals behind Wild Swim Scotland. She then highlighted many of the benefits associated with Wild Swimming, which are holistic in their nature. The physical and mental benefits are many and although much of the evidence is still anecdotal each of the stories accompanying each of the story tellers adds gravitas to the claims. The social benefits are tangible – we love spending time in this special environment with lovely people – new friends……
Introductions were made as we prepared to swim, Vivian and Charles having driven from New Orleans!!! Ok maybe not – but they had driven from Carnwath to be with us, having moved there during the last year from the USA. Our pal Jo came to join us, leaving her family to enjoy the rest of the beach – how lovely to catch up – Dunbar is a long way from Portobello during a lockdown!!! Jane continues her Wild Swimming journey and has now explored a few venues in East Lothian with us, time to venture further afield, I think. It was brilliant to have Lou along to begin her Wild Swimming journey and with Isabella helping her to gain her confidence, she was quickly off and swimming. Just look at the joy in her face as she realises she has survived the first wave and is having fun!!

As Vivian and Isabella enjoyed a shallow water dip and Jane jumped around in the waves with Lou, the intrepid explorers headed out into the waves. It can only be described as “Wave Climbing” – as Jo, Charles and Elaine headed out on my directed route I managed to capture them swimming up the wave – exhilarating and amazing!
We negotiated some underwater rocks, thankfully covered with seaweed and made it out to the small buoys which had been our target. Fidra, having looked so close at the low tide, still looked a pretty big challenge – perhaps for another day!

How lovely it was to come out to the warm sunshine and a perfect display of Italian antipasto and Isabella ready to introduce the theme. Commensality is our focus – sharing food and time together in special venues with Wild Swimming as the catalyst.