Further Information

Beginners 1:1 introductory sessions include, shore-side safety, kit check, short dip / swim and safe rewarming procedures. Two or three sessions are recommended, but single sessions are also available. If you do not see any times / dates to suit you, then please email Maree at wildswimscot@gmail.com and we can try to sort something out.

1:1 sessions can also be used as Re-start sessions – for those of you who have not been in the cold water for a while. These would start as above and progress more rapidly to a longer immersion, depending on wetsuit / swimsuit choice – weather conditions – your own acclimatisation.

Front Crawl introductions / development / technique sessions for Open Water can also be incorporated in a 1:1 session and content will be tailored to your needs.

All sessions will consist of;

  • a welcome chat and discussion of experience and aims within the context of Wild Swimming.
  • a kit check and organisational advice and recommended procedures.
  • safety considerations prior to entry.
  • entry procedure and acclimatisation strategies.
  • appropriate swim time.
  • exit and rewarming strategy, post swim dangers highlighted.
  • warm drink and chat whilst coach ensures participant is safe to leave their care.
1:1 Lesson45-60 min£30
Block of 2 or more Lessons£25 per lesson
1:2 Lesson60 min£40
Block of 2 or more Lessons£35 per lesson